Understanding every phase of a child’s dental growth is crucial, and space maintainers play a vital role in this process. They are an integral service we provide, aimed at supporting the correct development and alignment of your child’s teeth.

Space maintainers are necessary when a child loses a baby tooth early, due to reasons like decay or injury. They play a critical role in preserving the space left by the missing tooth, preventing the neighboring teeth from shifting into this gap. This helps maintain the correct spacing for the eventual emergence of the permanent teeth.

Types of Space Maintainers We Offer

  1. Removable Space Maintainers: Similar to orthodontic appliances, these are custom-made and can be taken out for cleaning or during physical activities. They are often preferred for older children who can responsibly manage removable devices.
  2. Fixed Space Maintainers: These are cemented to the adjacent teeth and are not removable by your child. They are a great option for younger children or in situations where consistent maintenance of the space is critical.

The process involves taking an impression of your child’s mouth to create a perfectly fitting space maintainer. Our pediatric dentist and team will ensure the fitting process is smooth and that your child understands how to care for their specific type of space maintainer, be it removable or fixed.

By using a space maintainer, we can avert potential orthodontic issues down the line. They are essential for keeping the adjacent teeth stable and ensuring there is enough room for permanent teeth to grow in properly, thus facilitating a healthier alignment and development of your child’s teeth.

If your child has lost a baby tooth earlier than expected, consider space maintainers in Naples, Florida. Call Morning Star Children’s Dentistry today at 239-920-7827 to schedule a consultation with Dr. Rose Gedeon. Our experienced pediatric dentist and team is dedicated to overseeing your child’s dental growth with the utmost care and professionalism.